
Wiley Online Libraryについて

Wiley Online Libraryについて

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  1. Architectural design
  2. The British journal of sociology
  3. Child development
  4. Child development perspectives
  5. Coloration technology : the journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists
  6. Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society
  7. Family and consumer sciences research journal
  8. Family relations : journal of applied family and child studies
  9. International journal of cosmetic science
  10. Journal of family theory & review
  11. The journal of finance
  12. Journal of food science
  13. Journal of marriage and the family
  14. Journal of money, credit and banking
  15. Journal of sociolinguistics
  16. Journal of traumatic stress
  17. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
  18. Quantitative economics : journal of the Econometric Society
  19. TESOL journal : a journal of teaching and classroom research
  20. TESOL quarterly
  21. Theoretical economics : journal of the Econometric Society
  22. World Englishes : WE : journal of English as an international and intranational language

